Rio Dulce Pt 2

Back to the river

Let's try this again

A place called El Tortugal 

Where sailors dock their boats

And everything is open and breezy

I swim a few laps and rest on a dock in the middle of the water

Why didn't I stay here to begin with?

International pizza

One slice Thai, another Hawaiian, the last Italian

A documentary on Guatemala

The 80's: a period of violence, corruption, kidnappings and murders

Despite the graphic scenes

I sleep peacefully

And leave early, wishing to stay longer

The Bus Ride

Totally full, capacity 47

Number of passengers closer to 80

Closer to the temperature inside the bus

People sitting on stairs, sitting on the dashboard, the engine, practically in the driver's lap

The rest in the aisle and 47 with seats

A vent held in place with chewed up bubble gum

A sideview mirror maintained by duct tape

A door slightly ajar tied by rope

Wires hanging above

The destination sign on the verge of falling

"Not heavy, but it hurts"... Not reassuring

The bus blessed by stickers of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary (Guadalupe), Ernesto "Che" Guevara & Tweety Bird

Woman and child get on, "¡agua de coco!"

5 bags sold then they're gone

Two brothers get on: one young, one old, one skinny, one fat, both soaking wet from the waterpark on the highway

Wait, is that water or sweat?

Either way, please don't lean on me

A French female companion with me on the dash

Did you know you can stay for free in fire stations?

"These are not things they are writing in travel books"

No, they certainly aren't...

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