Two hours up Rio Dulce

To the buga, la boca, the mouth

The rain pours and we seek shelter under a black tarp

As the boat races up the river

I dream of the Caribbean 

Of a mix of cultures

Garifuna, ladino, indigenous, chinese & hindu

The rain stops, the boat arrives

It is not what I dreamed of

Fried plantains and coconut water

I eat no seafood despite my desire & stay in an unimpressive location

But spend my day at a hotel at which I'm not a guest

I sit and lament several decisions

I didn't do the tours to hot springs nor to the beautiful beach (although I hear it is littered with plastic)

So I soak in the only nice view I've found in town 

It could have been better, but oh well

Just keep traveling and you'll find some place that suits you better

Sure enough

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